Mrs Alice Henrietta Wilkins was born in Launceston on 14 May 1870, the fifth child of John Garrett and his wife Christina Ross. Alice married George Wilkins, clerk, in the house of the Church of Scotland minister Donald S Brunton, St John Street, Launceston, on 26 Mar 1891. The witnesses at the wedding were John Joyce, Susie Horton and John Garrett. The couple had three daughters and one son. The first two daughters were born in Launceston: Vera May on 3 Jul 1891 and Mabel Christina on 13 May 1893.
The family moved to Western Australia about 1895 where Alice Florence was born in 1897 and Frederick George in 1907. George died in Subiaco, Western Australia, on 31 Jan 1935. Alice died on 9 May 1938 in Victoria. Alice's parents and husband are also pictured in the Launceston Family Album.