Ella Beatrice Weetman was born on 26 Aug 1877, the youngest of six children born to Nelson Weetman (1840-1912) and his wife Ellen Ferguson (1844-1907). Ella was only 15 years of age when she died on 7 Nov 1892 from typhoid fever and tuberculosis. She attended the Tasmanian Exhibition in 1891-92 with her two brothers Percy and Vernon, who also had season tickets. Their sister Mabel exhibited copies of oil and watercolour paintings at the Exhibition. Her father and uncle of the firm Nelson & Duncan Weetman, St John Street, exhibited bituminous coal from their property at St Marys.
Of Ella's sisters, Hilda, born in 1872, had died on 24 Mar 1890 at 17 years of age. The two others, Mabel and Edith, did not marry and lived together at 18 Margaret Street. They died in 1932 and 1937 respectively and were buried together at the Carr Villa Cemetery.