This is possibly Alfred Ernest Albert Spotswood who was born on 29 Aug 1868, the eighth of nine children of Christopher Spotswood and his wife Anne Milne who were married in Hobart in 1848. His mother died in Mar 1889 and his father in Apr 1890. Alfred married Grace Laidlaw McLeod in Victoria in 1893 and their two children were born in Launceston in 1896 and 1898. In 1914 Alfred was a bank manager at Penguin, Tasmania, then he moved to Hobart where his occupation was bank official and by 1928, a clerk. By 1931 he was a gardener in Camberwell, Victoria, and later in Gippsland. He died on 23 Jul 1954 in the Royal Hobart Hospital, Tasmania, aged 85, and was cremated at Cornelian Bay on 26 Jul 1954. His wife Grace had died 10 years earlier on 28 Jan 1944 aged 75.