Mrs Maria Lydia Quodling, formerly Holland, of Manchester, arrived in Melbourne with her family on the Sultana in Dec 1854, and then travelled on to Hobart on the Don Pedro. On 7 Nov 1857, 18-year-old Maria Holland married fellow passenger Henry George Quodling. They had five children. Lydia was born in 1858 in Franklin. The four others were born in Bothwell: Amy, 1860; Ethel, 1865; Mabel, 1867 and Henry William, 1869.
Henry senior was superintendent of police at Bothwell, New Town and Queenborough before taking up a position at the Hobart Gaol. He was transferred to Launceston in about 1890 where he was superintendent of the Gaol, the Invalid Depot and the Contagious Diseases Hospital. Henry died suddenly on 10 Aug 1893 aged 65. Maria and Mabel were deprived of their home which was supplied with Henry's position. They moved to Sydney where Lydia and Amy were living. Maria died in 1910. See The Examiner 7 Oct 2006, p. 32.