John Peter was the fifth of ten children born to James Peter (1823-1894) and his wife Martha Shields (1834-1919). He was born on 2 May 1862 and married Elizabeth Dinah Rylands on 16 Nov 1892 in Deloraine. He was an iron moulder in the family business of Peter & Son, and from 1902 with his brother James, at the Peter Bros Foundry at 22 Wellington Road. He was a keen churchman, associated with St Andrew's Presbyterian Church for 45 years, on the board of management and as an elder and session clerk. He was a great supporter of the Salvation Army and the Launceston General Hospital and a keen gardener. John and Elizabeth did not have any children. John died on 24 Apr 1943 aged 80 and was buried at the Carr Villa Cemetery, Section F1 No. 533. Elizabeth died on 15 Aug 1962 aged 90 and was buried next to her husband.
His mother Martha, sister Jeannie and future wife Elizabeth Rylands are also pictured in the Family Album.