Mrs Elizabeth Munnew was born in Manchester, England, on 15 Mar 1844, the second of eight children of William Fletcher (1814-1885) and Sarah Croft (1818-1890). In 1881 she was a music teacher and living in Ashton-Under-Lyne, Lancashire. She arrived in Launceston, Tasmania, on 15 Jul 1884, to join her brother William Fletcher and his family who had settled here about two years earlier. Elizabeth's first advertisement to teach music appeared in The Launceston Examiner just four days after she landed. She taught 'pianoforte playing, singing, harmony, counterpoint and voice production'. She was a member of the local committee for the music examinations of Trinity College, a member of the Royal Academy of Music and a judge in the Tasmanian Exhibition's music section.
It was through music that Elizabeth met Arthur Munnew, whom she married at Christ Church Congregational, Prince's Square, Launceston, on 24 Dec 1885. Arthur was a pianoforte maker and senior partner of Mr PA Findlay in the Apollo House Music Warehouse, George Street. When Arthur retired from business in 1907 the couple moved to Devonport and lived at 'Meercroft' on several acres of land. Elizabeth died on 17 Nov 1914 aged 70. After a funeral service at 'Meercroft' she was buried in the Scotch Cemetery, Launceston. Following Arthur's death in 1923 his generous legacy to the Devonport Council established the Meercroft Home for the Aged. Elizabeth's sister Mary Ann Fletcher and two nieces are also in the Family Album. See The Examiner 26 Aug 2006, p. 37.