David Ingles was born about 1865 in Edinburgh, Scotland, the second of ten children born to David Ingles (1837-1921) and his second wife Mary Kerr (1844-1890) who were married in 1862. David senior and his first wife Jane Spiers had three children, including a son Robert.
David senior, Mary, their six children, including 16-year-old David the younger, and Robert migrated to Launceston, Tasmania, about 1881. Two more children were born in Launceston. Mary died aged 46 on 1 Feb 1890. David senior married his third wife Jane Emma Fairweather on 20 Sep 1893. They had eight children. Jane died on 5 Apr 1908. In all, David Ingles senior had 21 children.
David senior founded D & M Ingles, grocers, with his wife Mary, in Paterson Street, Launceston. The business flourished and later moved to larger premises in the Quadrant. David junior and his brother James managed the branch store which was opened in Elizabeth Street, Hobart.
At the time of the Exhibition, David junior was living at 134 Wellington St. On 29 Jan 1896 David was a witness at his sister Margaret's wedding to Robert McLennan in Launceston. David returned to Perth, Scotland, where he died on 1 May 1897 from general paralysis in the 32nd year of his age.