Mildred Louisa Hobkirk was born on 11 Sep 1869, the youngest daughter of John Francis Hobkirk, Assigner of the Insolvent Court, and his first wife Charlotte Hope Atkinson. Mildred was christened at the Holy Trinity Church in Launceston. Her mother died aged 35 on 25 Nov 1871 soon after the birth of her seventh child Frederick. Her father married a second time to Eliza Madden on 2 May 1877.
Mildred was involved with the amateur dramatic club 'The Muffs', performing in plays produced by this group to raise funds for charity from Sep 1889 and during the time of the Tasmanian Exhibition in 1891-92.
She won first prize in freehand drawing at the Launceston Technical School in Jun 1903. Miss Hobkirk was the secretary of the Australian Exhibition of Women's Work which was held in Melbourne during Oct and Nov 1907. Her photo appears in The Weekly Courier of 22 Jun 1907. She was on the executive committee and exhibition manager of the Arts and Crafts Society of Northern Tasmania. In their Annual Exhibition of Nov 1912 Mildred won prizes for embroidered leather, photography and design for arts and crafts subjects.
Mildred moved to Melbourne and became a Christian Science practitioner. She died aged 56 on 21 Jan 1926.
Mildred's sister-in-law Amelia Hobkirk is also in the Family Album.