Martha (Pattie) Gurr was born in Launceston on 29 Jun 1856, one of 14 children. Her parents were William Gurr and Mary Elizabeth Bellion who married in Launceston on 17 Oct 1845. William was born in Tenterden, Kent, England. He arrived in Launceston in 1835 with his parents Henry Gurr and his wife Mary Anne, nee Taylor. William had a ship's chandler business in Charles Street, Launceston and was the Battery Mine manager at Moina. Pattie named her house at the corner of Anne and High Streets 'Moina'.
Pattie's mother Mary, born in Southwark, Surrey, England, arrived in Launceston in 1840 with her mother Martha Bellion, nee Milmoth. Pattie's grandfather James Bellion, who had come out in 1837, was a pilot on the Tamar River from 1848 to 1860. Pattie's eldest brother, William Gurr was MLA for Geelong from 1894-1902 and postmaster general in Victoria.
Pattie was involved with the Ministering Children's League home at St Leonards and the Red Cross. She was an active member of the Independent Church in Tamar Street and later Christ Church Congregational in Frederick Street. In about 1925 Pattie moved to Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, to live with her niece Maud Mary Gatenby, nee Hinman, and her husband John. She died there on 12 Aug 1934 in her 79th year. Two of her sisters, Elsie and Lilian, and her brother-in-law Arthur Hinman are also pictured in the Family Album.