Charles Arthur Dunning was born in Launceston on 1 Oct 1870 to John Dunning (1839-1894) and his wife Susannah Sophia Luttrell (1844-1896). His father had the 'Golden Fleece' general store and drapers in Brisbane Street, Launceston. Charles was a witness at John Brown and Barbara Gray's wedding in Feb 1893. Mr Brown later became a partner in the store. Charles, an architect , was in Cape Town, South Africa, in 1897 at the same time as his brother William. He returned to Tasmania and was a land and estate agent at Ulverstone. Charles married Winifred Mary Jack and had at least one son born on 23 Oct 1916. Charles died aged 77 on 23 Jun 1948 and was buried at the Carr Villa Cemetery in Section B15 No. 118. Five of Charles' brothers and sisters are also in the Album.