Mrs Maria Dodgshun was born on 19 Jan 1828 at Farnley, Yorkshire, England, to Philip Buckley and his wife Hannah Dodgshun. She worked as a dressmaker before her marriage to her first cousin Joseph Dodgshun on 22 Feb 1859 at the Queen Street Independent Chapel in Leeds, Yorkshire. Maria and Joseph had four children all born in Morley, Yorkshire: Charles, 1860; Sheridan, 1863; Joseph, 1866 and Jane, 1868.
The family arrived in Victoria on the Durham in Sep 1874. They came to Launceston in 1888 and returned to Melbourne in 1899 to live at 'Beulah', 50 Wattle Road, Hawthorn. Maria died on 3 Jun 1916 aged 88 and is buried in the Kew Cemetery. Her husband and children Charles, Joseph and Jane are also pictured in the Family Album. See The Examiner 24 Sep 2005, p. 24.