Detlev Adolph Toxias Diercks was born about 1853, a son of Reimer Diercks (1820-1892) and his wife Margaretta Tiedemann (1817-1899). The family migrated to the Bendigo district in Victoria, Australia, where other children were born and died. Detlev's parents both died in Bendigo. Detlev married Johanna Schroder in 1890 in Victoria.
At the time of the Tasmanian Exhibition Detlev was the manager of Bloomfield Brothers, Collins Street, Melbourne. He exhibited Patent Portable Tramways Rolling Stock made in Germany. A complete circular railway line was constructed in the Exhibition grounds where the Bochum Union Portable Railway was demonstrated successfully. During a Children's Day, held in mid-January 1892, children under 12 could enjoy free rides on Mr Dierck's Railway.
Detlev died in Victoria aged 80 in 1933. Johanna died in 1937, aged 74.