This is possibly Ada Mary Burbury who was born in Hobart on 16 Dec 1867, the second child of Alfred Burbury (1842-1899) and Maria Abbott (1841-1871). Ada's mother died 10 days after her fourth birthday. On 28 Jan 1893 Ada married Ernest Arthur Noel Lakin, insurance salesman, at the Wesleyan Church, Paterson Street, Launceston. Their daughter Dorothy was born on 2 Nov 1893 and son Noel Ernest was born on 23 Aug 1895. Both children were born at their residence, 42 High Street, Launceston. The family moved to Hobart in the 1920s. Ada died aged 77 on 7 Dec 1946 and was cremated at the chapel, Cornelian Bay. Her husband Ernest died on 28 Aug 1952. He is also pictured in the Launceston Family Album as are other members of the Burbury family.