William Joseph Bird was born in Launceston on 14 Oct 1876, the son of Albert Edward Bird (1846-1908), 'Bird the runner', and his wife Alice Walmsley (1855-1883). William's mother died when he was seven years old and he was later 'adopted' by Thomas and Rosa Ann Hughes. He married Elsie Mary Craw in Launceston on 11 Nov 1902. Three of their four children were born in Launceston: Alan Charles, 28 Sep 1905; Gwenneth Alice, 26 Sep 1908; and Elsie Mary, 29 Jul 1910. The fourth, John Stanley, was born in 1914 in Victoria. Alan became a Federal Member of Parliament. William and Elsie moved to Melbourne about 1914. William died on 9 Aug 1951 and his wife Elsie died on 21 Sep 1967. William's sister Florence is also pictured in this Album. See The Examiner 1 Jul 2006, p.33.