John Becket Beaufoy was born in 1863 in Dover, Kent, England, to Samuel and Mary A Beaufoy. At 18 years of age he was an apprentice grocer to John Jull, a manure maker, grocer and dealer in High Street, Staplehurst, Kent. He emigrated to Launceston in 1890, arriving in Victoria on the Oruba in Dec of that year. He was the eldest of four brothers who sang in the Tasmanian Exhibition Choir in 1891-92 and who are also in the Family Album
John married Fanny Roberts on 4 Jan 1892 at Launceston. Their son Leonard was born in Nov of that year and Winifred in 1895. The Examiner of 4 Nov 1896, page 5, has a news article about a social that was held at the Tamar Street Church Sunday School to farewell Mr and Mrs J B Beaufoy who were returning to England. A number of musical selections and recitations were enjoyed with their friends. John was presented with four oil paintings of Tasmanian scenery by Joshua Higgs junior in recognition of his services as choirmaster.