This is possibly Charles Grant Amoore who was born in Wiltshire, England, about 1858, son of Charles Grant Amore and Jane Barnard. In 1883 Charles junior married Elizabeth Alexander, who had been born in Richmond, Victoria, in 1860. Their daughter Eileen Margaret was born in Richmond in 1890.
At the time of the Tasmanian Exhibition in 1891-92 Charles Grant Amoore was the manager of Dempsters' Furnishing Department. Dempsters was a drapery store in Brisbane Street, Launceston. The Examiner reported 'Dempsters' handsomely furnished apartment facing the Avenue of the Nations is an attraction unrivalled in its class. The floor is carpeted with rich velvet pile of Persian design, which harmonises well with the rich drapings - of silk tapestry and Roman satin - which adorn the open front of the room, and have been specially designed for it by Mr C G Amoore.'
Mr Amoore appears to have been in financial difficulties in 1889 in Melbourne when a notice to creditors of C G Amoore of Burwood Road, Hawthorn, furniture dealer and upholsterer, appeared in The Argus. In the 1903 Electoral Roll Amoore is listed as a carpet planner at 117 Brunswick Road West. He died at the age of 49 in Prahran, Victoria, in 1907.