Francis Alfred (Frank) Morton was born at Westbury on 29 Jan 1877, a son of Thomas Morton, publican, and Elizabeth Jessie Woods. His father was the licensee of the Central Hotel, Charles Street, Launceston, at the time of the Tasmanian Exhibition in 1891-92. Frank became a chemist and druggist, and in Apr 1898 when he was employed at Fairthorne & Sons in Launceston, he fell down into the cellar. He married Christina Robertson in 1910 in Victoria.
Frank enlisted in the AIF in 1915 at Goulbourn, NSW. He served in the Medical Corps and was discharged in 1917 on medical grounds. However, he enlisted again in Victoria claiming to be younger than he was. He was discharged again on 12 Dec 1918 with the rank of staff sergeant dispenser.
It appears that Frank died in 1926 at Paddington, NSW.