Arthur George Youngman was born in Nottingham, England, about 1855. He arrived in Australia on the ship Austral in Nov 1889. He was a teacher of violin and piano and an orchestral player. He played the national anthem on the violin during the opening ceremony of the Tasmanian Exhibition in 1891-92 and was leader of the first violins in the Exhibition Orchestra. He was also leader of the first violins of the Launceston Orchestral Society and the Orpheus Orchestral Society and conducted the orchestra for 'The Muffs' dramatic club on occasions.
Arthur married Letitia Frances Beck on 1 Nov 1892. They had four children born in Launceston: Eliza Jane, 21 Aug 1893; Arthur George, 31 Aug 1895; Thomas William, 30 Nov 1896 and Bertha Frances, 5 Oct 1900. Letitia died aged 69 on 15 Apr 1929 and was buried at the Carr Villa Cemetery in Section B13 No. 269. Arthur died aged 79 on 17 Aug 1934 in Hobart, and was buried with his wife in Launceston. See The Examiner 28 Jan 2006, p. 25.