Mrs Clara Weymouth was born in Launceston on 20 Dec 1843 to Robert Harris (1819-1858) and his wife Clara Weymouth (1823-1893). On 10 Oct 1867, Clara Harris married her first cousin George Weymouth, who was born in 1843 and died in 1888, three years before the Tasmanian Exhibition. They were married in Launceston at the residence of Clara's mother, according to the rites of the Congregational Church. They both were descended from Dr William Weymouth who arrived in Launceston in 1835 as the surgeon superintendent on the female immigration ship Charles Kerr. George operated a music importing firm with his brother-in-law Alexander McPhail. Clara and George had ten children from 1868 to 1885. The family moved to Sydney in 1899, where Clara died on 6 Mar 1915. Her seven surviving children, sister Sarah McKay and other members of the family also are pictured in the Family Album. See The Examiner 18 & 25 Feb 2006.