Percy Carter Weetman was born in Launceston on 28 Nov 1866, the eldest of six children of Nelson Weetman (1840-1912), from Stoke Damerel (Devonport), Devon, England, and his wife Ellen Ferguson (1844-1907). Nelson, the son of Carter Thomas Weetman, was involved in banking, mining and accounting and was a corporal in the local battery of the Artillery.
Percy was educated at the Collegiate Institute. On leaving school he was associated with the firm T Edginton and Co., merchants, and with Capt. Samuel Tulloch. He then joined the firm of Richard Green and Co., merchants. He was also with John Williams, mining agent and manager of the United Steamship Co., and later with Edward Gaunt, a mining agent and broker. He was employed on the Town Hall staff for a brief period before commencing practice as an accountant.
Sport played a prominent part in Percy's life. He was a keen angler and was president of the Northern Tasmanian Fisheries Association at the time of his death. He was a member of the committee of the Tamar Regatta Association for many years. His greatest love was for rowing. He had been captain, secretary, president, coach and life member of the Tamar Rowing Club. He was a life member of the Tasmanian Rowing Association. Percy played with the TRC Football Club, the Launceston Football Club and the Union Club. From 1919 until 1927 he was secretary of the NTFA, and then made a life member. He was also a keen rifle shot and swimmer.
Percy was a foundation member and secretary of the Launceston branch of the Australian Natives' Association. He was secretary of the Launceston Homeopathic Hospital at the time of his death in 1933.
Percy Weetman married Mary Margaret Stanfield of Fingal at the Holy Trinity Rectory, Westbury, on 24 Apr 1905. Their daughters Pat and Etta were born in 1906 and 1910. They lived at 4 Hill Street, West Launceston, then later at 'Risdon', 2 North Bank Road, now known as 'Smedley House' at 25 Trevallyn Road. They also lived at 4 (later 18) Forest Road, Trevallyn. Percy died on 8 Feb 1933 from heart seizure while in Hobart attending the Regatta. He was buried at the Carr Villa Cemetery, Launceston, in the Anglican section B15, No. 448. Mary was buried at Carr Villa on 23 Dec 1937 in the Catholic section A4 No. 153.