Mrs Catherine Walker was born on 26 Apr 1848 at Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England, the only daughter of William Turner (c.1815-1887), a currier and for many years a church warden at St John's Church. Her mother Eliza was a daughter of Joshua Stott. William worked at Thomas Button's tannery, before setting up his own business as a tanner and currier on the corner of Frederick and Bathurst streets, Launceston.
Catherine Turner married Charles Augustus Walker at St John's Church, Launceston, on 5 Feb 1870. They had six children: Ketha, 1871; William, 1873; Herbert, 1875; Cyril, 1877; Aubrey, 1878 and Vera, 1880. The last three were born at 'Rostella', Dilston, on the East Tamar. The family had moved back to Launceston by the time of the Tasmanian Exhibition in 1891-92. Catherine sang soprano in the Exhibition Choir. Her husband Charles and two eldest children are also pictured in the Launceston Family Album. Catherine and Charles moved to Geelong, Victoria, where Charles died in 1907. Catherine died on 29 Jul 1918.