Charles Gerard Tabart was born on 5 Oct 1870, the eldest of seven children of Charles Whitefoord Tabart (1842-1929) and Jessie Elizabeth Amos. His parents were married at the Tabart family property 'Fonthill' on 17 Sep 1867. Charles junior moved to Launceston, most likely to work for the Bank of Australasia. He attended the Exhibition of 1891-92, as did his future bride Edith Elizabeth King. The couple married at Yarrawonga, Victoria, on 1 Nov 1896. They had three children: Vernon Gerard, 1896-1904; Frances Jean, 1898-1977; and Llewellyn Charles, 1904-1982.
Charles died tragically on 5 May 1904 at Albury. He had been promoted to work in the head office of the Bank of Australasia in Melbourne, but had become despondent as a result of a painful nasal growth, and shot himself through the heart. The Examiner report states that he was a steady, reliable bank officer from a well-known Tasmanian family. Charles and Edith were devotedly attached to each other and their two children. Edith faced more tragedy later the same year when her eldest child died. Her third child was born five months after the death of her husband.