Evelyn Hester Ransom was born on 7 Dec 1859, a daughter of Thomas Ransom, a gentleman, and his wife Sarah Stanfield (c.1823-1890) of 'Killymoon', Avoca. She was christened at Christ Anglican Church, Cullenswood, on 29 Jan 1860. At the age of 35 Evelyn married 41-year-old George Crisp on 27 Mar 1895 at Fingal. Their first two children were born at Beaconsfield: Ellis on 27 Dec 1895 and Gladys on 22 Jan 1898. Constance was born at Sidmouth on 3 Dec 1899, and Marjorie was born on 15 Sep 1901 at Leipsic, near Avoca. From 1901 to 1907 Evelyn and George kept the post office at Leipsic, later called Lewis Hill. Evelyn died aged 95 on 13 Oct 1955 and was buried at the Carr Villa Cemetery with her husband George who had died in Launceston in 1940. They were interred in Section E1 No. 638. Evelyn's three sisters, Emily Gaunt, Constance Valentine and Alice Ransom are pictured in the Family Album.