John Robert William Wyckham Nason was born about 1856 in Shidfield, Hampshire, England, a son of Edward and Jane Nason. John and his wife Jane had at least six daughters and one son. Nason & Co. represented British and Foreign Exhibitors at the Tasmanian Exhibition in 1891-92. John Nason represented Great Britain in the Grand International Cricket Match which was played against the local press team in the grounds of the Albert Hall in Jan 1892.
At the time of the Exhibition Nason's business was located at 283 George Street, Sydney. It was listed in Sands Directory in 1888 as Nason, Moser & Co., merchants, of 263 George Street. The following year Nason & Co. was trading as merchants, importers and manufacturer's agents and indentors. By 1895 the company had moved to 34 Market Street and were the sole agents of Heaton's rubber goods and F Joyce and Company's ammunition. By 1899 John Nason was also the manager of the Reliance Oil Co. at 373 Kent Street. John died in 1927 at Chatswood, NSW.