Mrs Ada Ophelia Muncaster was born at Sandhurst, Victoria, in 1861. Her parents were Edward Ferguson and Catherine Ralph. In 1887, at Sandhurst, Ada married Anthony Muncaster, son of Ferdinand and Ann. Their first child Edward was born in Victoria in 1888. Three others were born in Launceston: Kate (Kathleen) on 1 Mar 1890, Rusland on 23 Feb 1892, and Ralph on 15 Sep 1894. Mrs Muncaster was a soprano in the Exhibition Choir of 1891-92 and was a prize winner in the Hobart competitions in 1906. By 1903 the Muncasters had moved to 171 Liverpool Street, Hobart, where Anthony was a grocer. The family later moved to 98 Albert Avenue, Chatswood, NSW. Anthony passed away on 1 Aug 1935, and Ada died in her 92nd year on 23 Jul 1953. She was privately interred in the Field of Mars Cemetery, Ryde.