Gwynydd Purves Wynne-Aubrey Meredith was the son of Mrs GL Meredith, of Launceston, who exhibited a painting on china and a pencil drawing called 'Flowers' at the Launceston Exhibition in 1891-92. Born at 'The Manse', Swansea, Tasmania, on 19 Apr 1887, Gwynydd was the elder of two sons of George Llewellyn Meredith (1855-1937) and his first wife Alicia Louisa Maclean (1858-1892) who were married at St John's Church, Darlinghurst, Sydney, on 24 Jul 1886. GL Meredith was the second son of John Meredith of 'Cambria', Swansea.
Gwynydd's brother, Ewen Harcourt Wynne-Aubrey, was born on 6 Jun 1892 and his mother died just two months later on 5 Aug 1892 aged 35. George married again in Sydney on 30 Nov 1899 to Eleanor Bond Ward (1863-1954). He died on 10 Oct 1937. GL Meredith & Co. were stock and sharebrokers and mining agents at 38 St John Street, Launceston. George was also a member of the Launceston Stock Exchange.
Gwynydd was a professional soldier, joining the Army as a commissioned officer in 1910. He embarked for England and France near the end of the First World War with the rank of captain. He was the Ship's Adjutant and Quartermaster on the Marathon. He was discharged from the AIF in Feb 1920 and commenced duty at the office of the Australian High Commission in London. Gwynydd was promoted to the rank of colonel in Nov 1939 and enlisted in the Second AIF at the age of 55 in Aug 1942. He joined the Eighth United States forces in Korea as lieutenant-colonel from 1952 to 1956. He retired as a brigadier after a long and outstanding meritorious service. However, he was refused permission to wear his Korean medals with his uniform. Gwynyyd married Gwendoline Nicklin in 1915 in Sydney. Their son, John Wynne-Aubrey Meredith, was born on 17 Apr 1916 and died 11 Aug 2000. Gwynydd died in his 88th year in 1975.