Alice Kennelly was born in Launceston on 3 Jan 1862, the sixth of seven children born to Michael John Kennelly (1821-1908) and his wife Catherine Hodgins (1827-1884). Michael was born in Clonmel, County Tipperary, Ireland, and played in a band and took part in musical services at St Mary's Cathedral, Clonmel. His musical talents were passed on to his daughters. Miss Kennelly was a soprano in the Exhibition Choir in 1891-92 and sang in a number of concerts held during the Exhibition. This may have been Alice or an older sister who is also pictured in the Family Album. Both were living in Charles St at the time of the Exhibition.
In 1928 an Alice Kennelly was living in New Town, Tasmania, with John Kennelly, a draper.
The original photograph in the Family Album is labelled 'A Kennedy', so the identity of this portrait is uncertain.