Hugh Johnstone, born in Launceston on 2 Jan 1879, was the sixth of seven children born to William John Johnstone (1844-1891), of Johnstone & Wilmot, wine and spirit merchants, and Mary Elizabeth Groom (1841-1911) who were married in 1868. Hugh was educated at the Launceston Church Grammar School, as were his two older brothers William (also in the Family Album) and Arthur. In 1895, when he was 16, Hugh moved to Mildura, Victoria, where he worked for his brother Arthur in the dried fruits industry. On 3 Mar 1903 he married Ada Geake Martyn from Cornwall, at St Margaret's Church, Mildura, the first marriage in the new church. Hugh and Ada's daughter Marie was born in Launceston in 1903. She never married and lived until she was 101. Their son John was born at Mildura in 1909. He had two daughters, Adalyn and Jennifer. Hugh died aged 62 on 28 May 1941 at Mildura. His wife died the following year.