Elizabeth Frances Innes, born at New Town, Tasmania, on 19 Nov 1844, was the second of five daughters of Frederick Maitland Innes (1816-1882), journalist, lay preacher, farmer and politician, and Sarah Elizabeth Grey (1821-1897) who married in 1838. One of 12 children, Elizabeth was educated at a Launceston boarding school while her family lived at 'Mona Vale', Evandale. Her father was a journalist with the Cornwall Chronicle before being elected to the new House of Assembly in 1856. When he died in May 1882 Mr Innes left his family well provided for.
Elizabeth attended both the Tasmanian Exhibitions, in Launceston in 1891-92 and Hobart in 1894. Her sister Catherine Henrietta Innes also had a season ticket for the Hobart Exhibition. They were then living at 47 Patrick Street, Hobart. Later Elizabeth resided with her sister Margaret at 'Glyn Lynn', 46 Church Street, Hobart. Her youngest sister Mary was admitted to the New Norfolk Hospital for the Insane in Apr 1904. She remained there until she died in Sep 1925. Elizabeth died aged 91 on 28 Mar 1935 and was buried at the Cornelian Bay Cemetery.