Arthur Reynolds Horne was born in Launceston on 14 Oct 1861, to Arthur Horne (1819-1892) and Maria Cowen (1821-1889). Arthur senior was born in London and in 1844 emigrated to Australia to seek his fortune. After some time on a sheep station and then trading between Launceston and Portland Bay on his cutter Hero, Mr Horne married Maria Cowen in Melbourne in 1848. They had two sons, then in 1853 came to Launceston and settled in 'Clapham', Erina Street. Two daughters and four more sons were born here.
Their fifth son, Arthur Reynolds, was an accountant and married Amy Clarke on 8 Aug 1888 at the Baptist Tabernacle, Launceston. They had four children: Edith, 1889-1949; Sidney, 1892; George, 1893-1952 and Reginald, 1907-1955. Arthur Horne was a bass in the Exhibition Choir in 1891-92. While living at 'Farnham', 78 Elphin Road, in 1920 Arthur built a new home next door at 80 Elphin Road. He died there aged 62 on 7 Sep 1924 and was buried at the Carr Villa Cemetery in Section E 272. His wife Amy is also pictured in the Family Album.