Mary Henrietta Hales was born in Launceston on 5 Jul 1863, the ninth child of Archdeacon Francis Hales (1821-1900) and his wife Anne Augusta Stoney (c.1825-1887). Her father was the archdeacon of the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Cameron Street, Launceston. At that church with her father officiating, on 7 Feb 1896 Mary married Henry Christian Wilson, the second son of Henry John and Louisa Sophia Wilson of 'Larooma', North Down. Henry Christian was the manager of a station in New South Wales. They had three children registered at Mudgee, NSW: Robert C, 1896; Francis H H, 1900 and Frederick C, 1901. Mary died at Blayney, NSW, in 1945. Henry died in Sydney in 1960. Mary's father, sister Katherine and brother Maurice are also pictured in the Family Album. See The Examiner 3 Mar 2007, page 31.