Maria Gutteridge was born on 3 Mar 1861, the fourth child of James Gutteridge (1823-1892) and his second wife Emma Abbott (1837-1915). James first came to Tasmania in 1843 with the 96th Manchester Regiment of Foot. He was sent to India, where he was promoted to Sergeant and where his first wife died in childbirth in 1854. He went back to Birmingham, England, and married Emma Abbott in Dublin on 30 Jul 1855.
Maria was almost two years old when the Gutteridge family arrived in Melbourne on the Princess Royal in Jan 1863 and transferred to Launceston on the Black Swan. James was a constable at Evandale 1864-66, a storekeeper in 1870, and licensee of the Deddington Inn and later the Nile Hotel. His wife Emma was postmistress at the Lymington (Nile) Post Office from 1877 to 1892.
Maria was a milliner. She married John Morton in 1935 at the age of 74. She died on 5 Sep 1937 and is buried at the Carr Villa Cemetery in Section C9 No. 27. Her sisters Jane and Elizabeth are also pictured in this album. See The Examiner 9 Sep 2006, p. 33.