Elsie Edith Gurr was born on 4 Sep 1872, the youngest of fourteen children of William Gurr, ironmonger, and his wife Mary Elizabeth Bellion. Elsie married George William Tempest Weymouth on 14 Jul 1897 at Launceston. They moved with the rest of the family to Sydney in 1899. The couple had nine children between 1897 and 1917. Elsie died on 2 Nov 1947 in Ashfield, NSW. Her sisters Martha (Pattie) and Lilian Gurr and future husband George are also pictured in the Family Album. Elsie and her sister Lilian exhibited two crayon drawings 'Moonlight on the Alps' at the Tasmanian Exhibition in 1891-92. Their mother exhibited a 'Group of flowers' painted on ground glass in oils. Elsie was a soprano in the Exhibition Choir while Lilian sang alto.