Edward Gaunt was born on 1 Apr 1837, the ninth child of Dr Matthias Gaunt (1795-1874) and his wife Frances Green (1804-1880) who lived at Windermere on the East Tamar. On 28 Oct 1863 at the age of 26, Edward married Emily Ransom at the Cullenswood Anglican Church. They had 14 children between 1864 and 1890, Edward, Reginald, Ella, Charles, Florence, Frederick, Norman, Emily, Alice, Evelyn, Eleanor, Arthur, Leila and Kathleen but several died young. Edward was a mining agent, and had an office on the corner of Paterson and St John streets, Launceston. He died aged 67 on 10 Mar 1904 at his residence, 108 Tamar Street. He was buried in the Cypress Street Cemetery. His wife and eight children, sister Elizabeth Barnard and other family members are also pictured in the Family Album.