Mary Ann Fletcher was one of eight children of William Fletcher and his wife Sarah Croft. She was born in Manchester, Lancashire, England in 1850. Her father William was a grocer and local preacher in the Methodist Church. Mary Ann was a kindergarten teacher, emigrating to Tasmania in early 1891. Before she left England Mary Ann or Polly, as she was known, was given an autograph book. Her family and friends wrote poems, sayings, did beautiful watercolur paintings and sketches in the little book between Dec 1890 and Jan 1891. One poem, dated 29 Jan 1891, was written by her youngest brother as she set off on her journey to Tasmania. The book, now in the possession of her family, was a reminder of the people she left behind as she sailed to join her brother William and sister Elizabeth who had gone to Tasmania several years before.
Mary Ann continued her vocation as kindergarten teacher in Launceston and exhibited 'occupations done by the children' at the Tasmanian Exhibition in 1891-92. Her sister Elizabeth Munnew and two nieces are also pictured in the Family Album. Mary Ann died aged 49, after a long and painful illness, on 21 Feb 1900 at the Trevallyn residence of her sister Elizabeth Munnew. She was buried in the Scotch Cemetery, Launceston, Tasmania.