Douglas Lindsay Craw was born on 1 Nov 1871, the fourth son of James Craw (1838-1878) and his wife Jane Storey (1844-1884). Douglas married Caroline Alberta Wright at Zeehan on 27 Jan 1897 where he and his brothers had a drapery business. Caroline's parents were Thomas Wright and Sarah Hays Hutchinson. Douglas and Caroline had five children. Peri was born in Zeehan on 29 Oct 1897. The other four were born in the Derby area where Douglas was a storekeeper: Hector, 15 Feb 1900; Stanley, 16 Sep 1901; Marjorie, 25 Jul 1903 and Alberta 14 May 1908. Douglas Craw died aged 58 on 4 Nov 1929 and Caroline died aged 76 on 22 Nov 1950. They were buried together at Carr Villa, Launceston, in Section F1 No. 262.