Margaret Leith Carter, nee Young, was born in 1831 and married Robert Carter, a storekeeper at Fingal, in 1860. They had six children born between 1858 and 1870. Her husband was born in London in 1829 and was educated in Hobart. He had spent time on the Californian and Ballarat goldfields before returning to Tasmania. The family moved to Launceston in 1880 where Robert was a mining agent, a member of the Launceston Marine Board, an alderman and Mayor of Launceston in 1887. He exhibited specimens of silver ore from Balstrup's Manganese Silver Mining Company at the Tasmanian Exhibition 1891-92.
Margaret died in Launceston on 31 Dec 1899 aged 68 and was buried the following day at the Church of England Burial ground, Cypress Street. Her husband died on 11 May 1902, leaving only one son, Leith.