Samuel Alexander Campbell was born at Cressy on 23 Jul 1870 to Donald Campbell (1834-1907) and his second wife Elizabeth Brumby (1828-). Samuel attended Horton College near Ross, winning prizes in arithmetic, English and Greek. Samuel, a commercial traveller, was first employed by W Hart & Sons, then Lindsay Tulloch and Co. and finally A C Ferrall & Co. On 22 Feb 1898 he married Marian Isabel Thrower at the residence of her parents, William and Marian Thrower, 39 Elphin Road, Launceston.
Their eldest son, Alec, was born on 26 Feb 1899 and became famous as the last surviving Tasmanian soldier to serve at Gallipoli before he died in 2002. The other children were Malcolm (Mac), born 8 May 1901; Hector, 2 Dec 1902; Estelle, 14 Oct 1905 and Colin, 21 Jan 1908. Samuel died aged 88 on 31 Jan 1959 and was buried at Carr Villa with Marian who had passed away on 7 May 1955. They are buried in the Catholic Section A9 No. 268. Samuel's brother James and his future brother-in-law Harry Pybus are also pictured in the Family Album.