Ada Button was born in the Ulverstone area on 27 Aug 1861, a daughter of William Barnard Button, a farmer, and his wife Elizabeth Weavers, and was the niece of newspaper proprietor Henry Button. Ada gained a certificate with a pass from the Launceston General Hospital in July 1892. She became a midwife and was instrumental behind the scenes in the setting up of the Queen Victoria Hospital, Launceston. She is pictured here in her nurse's uniform.
Ada went to St Marys for the birth of one of the children of her sister and subsequently married Henry Lohrey of German Town, four miles from St Marys. The wedding took place on 27 Jun 1900 at Ulverstone. They had two sons, Douglas Henry born on 15 Sep 1901 and Kenneth Barnard, born on 10 Aug 1905. Ada died on 26 Mar 1947, aged 85, and was buried at the German Town Cemetery.