Edward Ainslie Brumby, known by his second name, was born at Longford on 29 Feb 1872, the fourth child of James Peter Ainslie Brumby (1839-1919) and his wife Mary Martha Girlie (1847-1911). Ainslie worked at the Launceston Post Office from Nov 1891. He served in the Boer War in southern Africa. He married Kate Thomas on 11 Jul 1898 in Launceston. They had their daughter Kate in 1900, son Elvyn in 1904 and Amy, who was born and died in Brighton, Victoria, in 1914. Kate was cremated at Cornelian Bay, Hobart, on 7 Mar 1940 aged 67. Ainslie died aged 70 on 15 Jul 1942 and was also cremated. Ainslie's brother Harold is also pictured in the Family Album.