Walter James David Brickhill was born on 26 Aug 1867, the second eldest of eight children born to James Brickhill (1846-1908), proprietor of The Daily Telegraph from 1882-1894, and Rebecca Emms (1843-1940). His siblings were Ada, Albert, Hector, Lewis, George, Frank and Daisy. He became a sports reporter for The Daily Telegraph writing under the nom-de-plume of 'Kestrel' until at least 1896. Walter played for the local press team in the Jan 1892 Grand International Cricket Match in the Albert Hall grounds which was part of the entertainment at the Tasmanian Exhibition.
Walter left Launceston for Western Australia, where he wrote for several newspapers, then moved to South Africa. He settled there after the Boer War and became an ostrich farmer. He married a South African lady and they had one child. He contributed several articles to The Weekly Courier on Transvaal affairs. Walter died in Transvaal from malaria on 28 Apr 1911 aged 43.