Louisa Eleanor Broad was born on 29 Mar 1847, the youngest of three girls born in Campbell Town to William Broad (1800-1880) and Leah Cohen formerly Solomon (1803-1868). Louisa was living with her sister Mary Anne (May) in York Street at the time of the Tasmanian Exhibition. May is also pictured in the Family Album. Louisa died at 100 Tamar Street, Launceston, on 20 Jul 1928 aged 83 and was buried with her sister May at the Carr Villa Cemetery in B1 178. Louisa and her sisters were musical as there is a leather-bound volume in the Launceston Library called The Fourth Book of Dance Music which is inscribed 'Louisa E Broad 1868', the year their mother died. The sheet music, from various publications, belonged to Esther, Mary Ann or Louisa Broad. Some of the sheets were gifts from family and friends.