Christiana Maria Box was born on 8 Feb 1854 in Launceston, a daughter of Charles Box (1818-1902), a gardener from Wiltshire, and his wife Christiana Frior. Christiana had two older brothers, James Albert (1850-1937), who married Catherine McLennan and had ten children, and William Alfred who died aged 4 on 3 Nov 1855. When Christiana was two years old her mother died of consumption (tuberculosis) on 28 Feb 1856, aged 53. Her father Charles married Ann McKenzie in Mar 1857. They had two daughters, Charlotte Ann (1858-1903) and Mary Amelia born in 1861. Christiana had a shop in Bryan Street, Invermay, and died on 1 Jan 1936 aged 81. She was buried at the Carr Villa Cemetery in Section B15 No. 106.