Albert Walter Biggs, known by his second name, was born at Bothwell on 25 Jul 1865 to Alfred Barrett Biggs (1825-1900), schoolmaster, and his wife Harriet Burville (1834-1894). In 1883 Walter moved to Launceston where he was an accountant for the Daily Telegraph. He inherited his father's musical talent, was a bass in the Exhibition Choir in 1891-92, and was an organist and choir master. He married Ada Emma Stokes in Launceston on 15 Dec 1886. They had six sons and four daughters; the first seven born in Launceston between 1888 and 1899, and the last three born in Scottsdale from 1904 to 1909.
In 1902 the family moved to Scottsdale where Walter became a general storekeeper. Mr Laurence C Leech joined him and Biggs and Leech became a household name in the North-East. The partners established branches at Springfield, Nabowla, Forester, Branxholm and Weldborough. Walter retired from the store in 1922 and became the first manager of the Launceston Bank for Savings at Scottsdale. He held the position for 18 years. Walter took a keen interest in community affairs, especially in St Barnabas' Church, Scottsdale, where he was organist and lay reader for many years. He was appointed as a justice of the peace in 1900 and a master of Lodge Dorset and the Ellesmere Chapter. Walter died on 14 Apr 1958 in Scottsdale aged 92 but was buried with his wife Ada at the Carr Villa Cemetery, Launceston, in Section B 271.
Walter's wife, father, sister Isabella Bellion, and other family members are also pictured in the Family Album.