This is possibly Mrs Frances Agnes Bennison who was born on 8 May 1857. Frances was the daughter of Francis Berresford Campbell and his wife Agnes Mill Neilson. Francis Berresford Campbell was for many years the Actuary (General Manager) of the Hobart Savings Bank.
Frances married James Ernest Bennison, clerk at the Launceston Post Office, on 22 Sep 1886 in Hobart. They had two children, Marjorie, born in October 1887 and died in 1967, and a son, Lionel Charles, born in 1889 and died in 1973. The family was living in Launceston while James was posted there. They returned to Hobart in 1894 when he was promoted to the Treasury Department. He later became Auditor-General.
Frances died at the age of 43 of consumption on 13 Dec 1900 at ‘Lientwardine’, Ouse and was buried in Cornelian Bay Cemetery. James died on 16 Nov 1916.