Ethel Margaret Phipps Barnard was born on 20 Feb 1876, the fourth child of Downes Martin Barnard (1842-1918) and his wife Emma Jane Phipps (1841-1921) who were married in Hobart on 25 Nov 1868. Ethel Barnard exhibited a painting called 'A Sea Piece' in the Tasmanian Court at the Exhibition of 1891-92.
On 15 Dec 1900 Ethel married Dr Charles Alfred Hogg at St John's Church, Launceston. Charles was the eldest son of Thomas Hogg, school teacher, and brother of William James and Thomas Alfred Hogg who are also pictured in the Family Album. At the time of the Exhibition, Charles was a medical student in Edinburgh, Scotland. He graduated in 1893 and registered as a Medical Practitioner in Tasmania on 5 Jun 1895. He practised in Launceston for a couple of years before moving to New South Wales where he was the Senior Medical Officer at the Hospital for the Insane at Parramatta.
Ethel had female twins who were born and died in Parramatta in 1902, but it seems that seven other children survived to adulthood: Margaret, James, Geoffrey, Alison, Jean, Emily and Zelma. Some children were born in Goulburn but the family was living in Parramatta again in Nov 1921 when Ethel's mother died. Charles died on 15 Mar 1951 and Ethel died in Paramatta in 1963. Four of Ethel's brothers and sisters are pictured in the Family Album.