Mrs Annie Alma Barber was born on 9 Nov 1855, the second daughter of William Lawson, farmer of Bishopsbourne, and his wife Mary Lyall. She had one brother and three sisters. Annie was married to George William Richard Barber on 22 Aug 1877 by the Rev. Montague Williams at St Andrew's Church, Westbury. Their four children, Mary Lyall Gaulbert, Alma Mona Cecil, John Thomas Elesban and George Campbell, were born at Barber's Hotel, Latrobe, between 1878 and 1885. The youngest, George, lived only one day.
In Dec 1886 George Barber's publican's licence was transferred to the International Hotel at Brisbane Street, Launceston. The family was living there at the time of the Tasmanian International Exhibition in 1891-92. Built in 1872, both the front of the hotel and the back courtyard are depicted in a poster in The Daily Telegraph in Nov 1891 advertising the sponsors of the Exhibition. The family was in Sydney when George died on 2 Jul 1895. Annie moved to Hobart where she was a licensed victualler at 79 Macquarie Street in 1903. She died in Melbourne on 18 Nov 1908. Annie's three children, sister Margaret Scott and niece Mary Scott are also pictured in the Family Album.